October 5, 2023
Erin Fay
Tech Titans’ Price Matching Policies: A Closer Look
Join us as we delve into the price matching policies of three tech industry giants: Apple, Google, and Microsoft. In this article, we'll provide insights from the perspective of a tech blogger at a leading tech company, shedding light on how these companies handle price matching within their ecosystems. Discover the unique approaches each company takes and gain valuable insights into making informed purchasing decisions in the ever-evolving tech landscape.
August 4, 2023
Erin Fay
Spigot's Scorching Wing Challenge
The blog post narrates an intense hot wing challenge involving six participants: Erin, Davin, Ben, Jamie, Rabi, Jon. The competition featured five progressively spicier wings, and with each round, contenders showcased their determination and resilience. Read to find out who took home the trophy!
July 28, 2023
Erin Fay
Building Bonds for Success
This article delves into the significance of workplace friendships, highlighting their positive impact on both personal growth and professional success. By fostering strong bonds among colleagues, employees experience enhanced collaboration, improved communication, and a sense of belonging, leading to higher job satisfaction and reduced turnover rates. Embracing workplace friendships not only creates a supportive work environment but also brings forth valuable learning opportunities and contributes to improved mental well-being, ultimately benefiting both individuals and the organization as a whole.
July 21, 2023
Erin Fay
Emoji Use in The Workplace
In this insightful article, "Emoji Use in the Workplace," the authors delve into the fascinating world of emojis and their evolving role in professional settings. Drawing from recent studies and real-world examples, the piece highlights the increasing acceptance and utilization of emojis as valuable communication tools among coworkers and teams. From lighthearted expressions to nuanced emotions, emojis offer a versatile means of conveying thoughts, feelings, and intentions, transcending language barriers and fostering a more inclusive work environment. The article also explores the potential pitfalls and best practices surrounding emoji usage, providing readers with practical tips on how to integrate emojis responsibly into their workplace communications. Whether you're a seasoned emoji enthusiast or a cautious adopter, this article offers valuable insights into harnessing the power of emojis to enhance workplace dynamics and productivity.