March 5, 2020
Christian Biron
Spigot, Inc. Wishes Megan Well!
Spigot, Inc. has an extremely unique culture in many different aspects – it’s part of our success and the main reason for our employee happiness and low turn-over. Hard work, dedication and risk taking really go along way here. One of our employees, Megan Wells is starting a new chapter of her life – and we all got to wish her well today! It is definitely a really cool story and a great example of the culture and mindset here at Spigot, Inc. so we thought we’d share!
January 17, 2020
Christian Biron
A Look into Spigot, Inc. Company Culture
“Train employees so they can leave, Treat them well enough so they don’t want to.” – an awesome quote by Richard Branson. Spigot, Inc. has many things to offer, but our BIGGEST asset is our employees, and we believe this quote sums up our company culture extremely well.
November 26, 2019
Christian Biron
Perks for Parents at Spigot, Inc. Too!
If you follow our blog – you know that Spigot, Inc. has a ton of benefits and perks! Flexibility is a perk and it turns out that works out well for parents too!
September 26, 2019
Christian Biron
Spigot, Inc. Desk Decor!
There are a ton of creative people in the office – and everyone also gets the opportunity to make their work space look the way they want it to! One of our employees went to Lowes this week and bought a shelf and some cool desk plants to brighten the office! Other people have custom keyboards, funko pops, nerf guns, toys and photo shopped pictures on the wall!